Eko Innovation Centre All Set For The Closing Ceremony Securehack 1.0.
The SecureHack 1.0 Finale is set to be an unparalleled spectacle, showcasing gro...
LinkedIn collaborates with Microsoft and CLEAR to verify identity and employment.
Announced in a blog post, LinkedIn, the social media platform designed for emplo...
CcHUB expands operations into Tanzania to accelerate innovation in Africa.
Africa's top tech innovation center, Co-creation Hub (CcHUB), has recently a...
MasterCard Foundation and ALX Collaborate to Train Africans in Tech.
If you're looking to enter the African tech industry, enrolling in ALX's...
Cyclone Freddy Exposes Africa's Vulnerability to Climate Crisis.
Tropical cyclones have been a part of human history for a long time, with over 1...
Join GetFundedAfrica's Exclusive Investor Event in London: Transparency in Investing in African Startups.
African startups have recently attracted over $5 billion in investments, marking...
Why a Cockroach Business Might Be the Key to Long-Term Success.
In the world of startups, founders often strive to create the next unicorn&mdash...
Mastercard and US Vice President Kamala Harris Discuss Strategies to Bridge Africa's Digital Divide.
Mastercard met with US Vice President Kamala Harris in Lusaka, Zambia's capi...
Study reveals best cities for coworking and commuting.
London has been named the world's coworking capital, according to a new repo...
Unveiling the Diversity and Innovation of YC Winter 2023.
The YC Winter 2023 batch received over 20,000 applications from founders around...
African Development Bank Grants $525k to AFN's Fintech Hub.
The Africa Fintech Network (AFN) and Cenfri are partnering to develop a digital...

Accelerating the growth of Africa's tech ecosystem