WhatsApp has introduced a new feature aimed at enhancing the video calling experience on its platform — the ability to share screens during video calls. This move puts WhatsApp in competition with established video conferencing apps like Microsoft Meet, Google Meet, Zoom, and even Apple's FaceTime.
The announcement of this new feature was made today by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg through a Facebook post and on his Instagram channel. With this addition, users will now have the capability to share documents, photos, and even their online shopping selections with the participants of their video calls.
Initially rolled out to select beta testers on Android towards the end of May, the screen sharing feature on WhatsApp can be accessed by simply tapping or clicking the 'Share' icon during a video call. Users have the choice to share either a specific application or their entire screen. This mirrors the functionality found on popular video conferencing platforms like Google Meet and Zoom.
According to information shared with TechCrunch, WhatsApp has commenced the gradual rollout of the screen sharing feature across Android, iOS, and Windows Desktop platforms. This means that while the feature might not be immediately available to all users, it should become accessible in due course.
In addition to screen sharing, WhatsApp has also introduced support for Landscape mode during video calls, enhancing the viewing experience by providing a wider and more immersive aspect ratio compared to the existing Portrait mode. This Landscape mode support could prove particularly beneficial when utilizing the screen sharing feature.
With newer additions like picture-in-picture support for iOS and quick video messages in conversations, WhatsApp has been providing video calling for more than six years. Users now consider video communication to be crucial, and WhatsApp now allows screen sharing for Android, iOS, and desktop users.
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