Nigeria is embarking on an audacious mission to train 1 million technical talents over the next three years, driven by the Ministry of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy under the dedicated leadership of Dr. 'Bosun Tijani. This initiative aligns with the national goal of creating 2 million digital jobs to meet the ever-increasing demand for technical skills.
The journey commenced with a co-creation workshop held in Abuja, gathering over 40 startups and technical training providers. Under the dedicated guidance of Dr. 'Bosun Tijani, the Honourable Minister of Communications, this workshop served as a platform to collaboratively shape the initiative's framework, bringing practical ideas to the forefront.
The Framework's Key Sections
The comprehensive framework comprises six critical sections:
The Honorable Minister's Dedication
Crucially, Dr. 'Bosun Tijani, the Honorable Minister of Communications, in his dedication to this transformative initiative, envisions an inclusive approach involving diverse stakeholders. The ultimate goal is to create an autonomous and self-sustaining ecosystem that can thrive without ongoing government patronage.
This initiative represents a remarkable step towards meeting Nigeria's digital workforce needs and positioning the nation as a leading hub for technical talent in the region. Through dedication, collaboration, and a dynamic framework, Nigeria aims to achieve this ambitious goal and contribute significantly to its digital economy.
Download the full report here: 1M Technical Talents Training
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