Nick Koudas


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Nick is a co-founder and CEO at Aislelabs. Before Aislelabs, Nick co-founded Sysomos, a leading provider of social media analytics. Sysomos is used by enterprise users and digital marketers around the globe, including 70% of Fortune 50 companies. Nick is also on the faculty at the University of Toronto's computer science department. He holds several patents and has published more than 100 research publications in the areas of big data analytics, information mining and searching. Nick serves on the editorial review boards of several international scientific journals in the field of data management. Prior to joining the university, he was a member of AT&T's research staff. Nick is an active angel investor and mentor to several startups, including at the Creative Destruction Lab at the Rotman School of Business. Nick holds a PhD from the University of Toronto.


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Accelerating the growth of Africa's tech ecosystem